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Martin 英国Salford大学 计算机科学与技术硕士

时间:2012-10-25 16:18来源:trans.org.cn 作者:世博翻译公司 点击:
荷兰语翻译 Martin 英国Salford大学 计算机科学与技术硕士 英语及荷兰语为母语 7年工作及翻译经验 Over 12 years of experience within the IT industry mostly gained in the United Kingdom. Specialized in managing web develo

荷兰语翻译 Martin 英国Salford大学 计算机科学与技术硕士 英语及荷兰语为母语 7年工作及翻译经验


Over 12 years of experience within the IT industry mostly gained in the United Kingdom. Specialized in managing web development projects, consulting and providing

technical solution to clients worldwide. Speak fluently Dutch and English as well as speaking German and Chinese on a novice level.



2010 /5--至今:上海XXX信息科技有限公司(少于50人) [ 2 年1个月] 
所属行业: 互联网/电子商务
IT 高级项目经理/技术总监

* Managing the design, development and delivery of new systems both internally and for external clients and ensuring compliance to the customers specification and all

relevant statutory and company standards.

* Identify and resolve the project cost/schedule/resource constraints. Identify changes in requirements from the client, discuss with the Project Owner and assist in

the agreed implementation plan and assist with the negotiation of change orders.

* Provide leadership and motivation to the development team, provide support to technical queries, give technical training and coaching on coding standards, best use

practices and proper use of Object Orientated Programming

* Examine, make recommendations and implement improvements on the company’s internal development processes and policies as well as ensuring that proper security

policies are implemented.

* Architecting and developing the more technical aspects of the projects where required. This included writing multi-threaded WCF services and writing the interface

between the front-end system and the back-end as well as Database and code optimizations.

2009 /5--2010 /5:英国XXX信息技术有限公司(少于50人) [ 1 年] 
所属行业: 互联网/电子商务
It 高级软件工程师

* Designing, architecting and developing a rich client web solution heavily relying on Ajax, Jquery, CSS and HTML. Using MVC and Entity framework and ASP.NET C#
从事网络产品的开发及架构建立,主要运用 .NET开发平台及Ajax, Jquery, CSS and HTML等技术。

* Leading a small team of 2 .NET developers, 1 Tester and a front end developer and ensuring the project’s expectations are met.

* Implement continuous build integration, ensure proper use of unit testing as well as writing functional and technical documentation where needed.

* Have daily SCRUM meetings with stakeholders and resolving issues preventing the completion of the build cycle.

* Provide training and couching to other team members and provide technical consultancy where needed.

2008 /6--2009 /5:英国XXX协会(500人以上) [ 11个月] 
所属行业: 政府/公共事业
IT ASP.NET 软件开发工程师

* Taking ownership of the development of the British cycling website.

* Upgrading the old CMS system (Active Edition 3 legacy asp) to the latest version (Active Edition 4 asp.net)

* Rewriting and redesigning the membership application area which has over 25000 (renewal) applications per year.

* Written guidelines and policies to restructure the company’s development process to improve efficiency and encouraging the reusability of code

* Develop and maintain API’s that are shared throughout the companies web solutions. One of them was an API that consolidated payment gateways allowing to process

payment from different systems. Currently it can handle PayPal, HSBC, SecPay and WorldPay but it can be easily extended using a plug-in architecture.

* Providing internal software solutions to departments via the company intranet or for windows client PCs.

2005 /6--2008 /6:英国XXX信息技术有限公司(50-150人) [ 3年] 
所属行业: 互联网/电子商务
IT 软件工程师

* Developed the Stanley Casino’s website using ASP.NET (C#) and Sitecore (www.sitecore.net - CMS API/Framework).
利用.NET及Sitecore开发Stanley Casino项目。

* Wrote code for the Manchester Airport Carpark booking system (Java and DB2 Backend) as well as for their main website (Lotus Notes / LWWCM CMS)
运用Java and DB2 Backend及Lotus Notes / LWWCM CMS开发Manchester Airport项目。

* Created web based projects using KMP’s proprietary CMS system including the company website.

* Developed and provided support for several DotNetNuke project as well as a number of Active Edition projects

* Implemented new company policies regarding source code management and handling backups. Implemented several procedures and policies to increase efficiency, minimize

user errors and lower costs.

2002 /9--2005 /1 英国Salford大学 计算机科学与技术 硕士
1998 /9--2002 /6 荷兰Friesepoort专业学校 计算机科学与技术 本科


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