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发布时间:2022-09-30 11:37 点击:
Educational background北京外国语大学高级翻译学院研究生
English Interpretation-Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation, Beijing Foreign Study University2015.9-2017.6 翻译技能
Translation and Interpretation Proficiency• 合作客户的部分包括:WTO、联合国、商务部、财务部、科技部、通州区政府、Imagination Technologies、剑桥大学、北京市科委、中国银行、建信集团、海关总署、IBM、Microsoft、Vivo、三星、以色列大使馆、白俄罗斯大使馆、法国大使馆、加拿大大使馆、经济学人杂志、雅诗兰黛、中国国际扶贫中心、埃森哲、OYO、北京师范大学、中国农业科学院、北京法院。
Clients include: WTO, United Nation, Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), Ministry of Finance (MOF), Ministry of Science and Technology (SOFT), Tongzhou Government of Beijing City, Imagination Technologies, Cambridge University, Beijing Municipal Commission of Science and Technology, Bank of China, China Construction Bank (CCB), General Administration of Customs of China (GACC), IBM, Microsoft, Vivo, Samsung, Israeli Embassy, Belarus Embassy, French Embassy, Canadian Embassy, Economist Magazine, Estee Lauder, China International Poverty Alleviation Center, Accenture, Oyo, Beijing Normal University, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Beijing Courts.
• 具有专业英语口笔译能力(专八优秀,国家人事部英语二级口译证书、三级笔译证书、联合国翻译工作证明证书、联合国翻译考试一级、二级证书)。
Proficient in English interpretation and translation (TEM- 8 excellent, level 2 interpretation certificate and level 3 translation certificate of China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters (CATTI), certificate appreciation of UN and UNLPP Level 1 and Level 2).
• 出版9本译作,包括《中国舞蹈》(北京舞蹈学院)和北外计算机系秦颖老师署名在ASCII上授权翻译Jerry Kaplan的人工智能著作。
Published 9 translated works, including Chinese Dance (Beijing Dance Academy) and an AI thesis co-authored by Professor Qin Ying of Computer Department of BFSU and Jerry Kaplan's on ASCII.
• 于2018至2019年6月,在中央民族大学任教。
Worked as the English lecturer in Minzu University of China from 2018 to June 2019.
• 于2019年10月至今,与中国农业科学院进行笔译项目合作,参与WFP南南合作和三方合作项目、中国乡村振兴、智慧农业发展、脱贫减贫、粮农技术等内容翻译。
Responsible for the translation projects of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences since October 2019. Translated various contents, including WFP South-South and Triangular Cooperation, China's rural revitalization, smart agricultural development, poverty alleviation and food and agriculture technology development.
• 于2021年3月起与一汽解放商用车研发院合作,参与了功能安全、整车技术、车桥、级联系统等方面的一系列口译项目。
Since March 2021, cooperating with FAW Jiefang commercial vehicle R & D institute and participated in a series of interpretation projects in functional safety, vehicle technology, axle, cascade system and so on.
• 参与中国通信协会引进标准“Cellular V2X for Connected Automated Driving”书籍的笔译工作。
Participated in the translation of the book "Cellular V2X for Connected Automated Driving" introduced by China Communications Association.
部分翻译经历 国务院智库-卡特尔中心朝美中关系与合作闭门会议(同传)
Closed Door Meeting on DPRK-US-China relations and cooperation between the State Council think tank and Cartel Center21/12/3 美驰-一汽解放重卡车桥以及纯电直驱传动技术交流会(同传)
Meritor - FAW Jiefang heavy-duty truck axle and EV powertrain meeting (SI)21/12/2 WHO中国反式脂肪酸标准评定技术交流会(同传)
WHO “Determination of trans Fatty Acids Contents in Foods”
Technical Seminar (SI)21/11/26 金融街年会-“双向开放下的金融合作新机遇”(交传)
Financial Street annual meeting - "new opportunities for financial cooperation under two-way opening" (CI)21/10/21 第十五届中国道路交通安全论坛(同传)
The 15th China Road Safety Forum (SI)21/10/8 长城汽车蜂巢能源人事任命会议以及S3 HEV开发全体员工大会(同传)
Great Wall SVOLT personnel appointment and S3 HEV development exchange conference (SI)21/9/30 区域安全与中美关系闭门研讨会(同传)
Closed-door Seminar on Regional Security and Sino-US Relations (SI)21/9/5 2021年中俄数字经济示范项目医疗器械专场项目路演(同传)
2021 SINO-Russia roadshow for digital economy medical devices demonstration (SI)21/9/2 后疫情时代的中尼关系的前景与挑战(纪念中国-尼泊尔建交66周年研讨会)(SI)
Prospects and Challenges for SINO-Nepal Relations in the Post Epidemic Era (in commemoration of the 66th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and Nepal) (SI)21/8/27 一汽解放“功能安全认证”评审会议(交传)
Review meeting on "functional safety certification" of FAW-Jiefang (CI)21/8/10-8/13 阳光保险公司-瑞士再保险年中会议暨MOU签署会议(交传)
Mid-year conference and MOU signing Conference between Sunshine Insurance Group and Swisse Reinssurance (CI)21/7/21 眼神科技:津巴布韦大使考察团汇报会议暨晚宴
Report meeting and banquet for Zimbabwe ambassador's visit to Eyecool Technology21/7/18 波音集团-航空规划院“BOEING Campus”Q2规划方案汇报会议(同传)
Boeing-CAPDI “BOEING Campus” development scheme report meeting (SI)21/6/25 商务部“世贸组织贸易便利化措施以及中国经验”研讨会(交传)
The workshop on “World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade and China Experience” held by MOFCOM (CI)21/6/21-6/23 世界旅游城市联合会-乌克兰国家旅游组织乌克兰“2021—城市旅游年”开幕式(交传)
World Tourism Cities Federation- Ukrainian National Tourism Organization: opening ceremony of “Urban Tourism Year 2021 in Ukraine” (CI)21/6/8 先正达植保UPL工作坊-HSE风险(同传)
Seminar on “UPL Share across Syngenta Group China & CP- HSE risks” (SI)21/6/7 大连航空IOSA安全审计筹备组内部交传(交传)
Dalian Airlines IOSA safety audit preparation meeting (CI)
The 5th World Intelligence Congress- New Era of Intelligence: Empowering New Development, Fostering New Pattern (CI)
The planning conference for SHISEIDO WHITE LUCENT press conference (CI)21//5/25
Report on the preliminary design of the Jinjiang joint venture between CAPDI, COMAC and GNK (SI)
戴姆勒V2X PKI供应商访谈(交传)
Daimler’s interview and discussion with V2X PKI solution providers (CI)
CHUANG 2021 (CI; SI)
Interpreted for the trainees’ performance, interview, daily practice and rehearsal; and stage design, lighting, art design, costumes and stage props.
Tsinghua University-Datong Second EIR International Forum on Energy Transformation and Carbon Neutrality (SI)
2020 Annual International Forum on Higher Education (SI)
Tendering meeting for China Post’s engraving software (CI)21/3/11
Symposium on Lactobacillus BNR17 held by Seoul University School of Medicine (CI)20/11/4-11/6 人民大学葡萄酒专业与欧盟教育委员会MOU发布会(同传)
MOU conference between Renmin University's wine department and the European Commission (SI)20/10/8-10/14 联合国WFP智能减灾技术(同传)
UN WFP Webinar on Intelligent Disaster Reduction Technology (SI)20/9/25 联合国WFP战略减灾和应急响应网络研讨会(同传)
UN WFP Webinar on strategic disaster reduction and emergency response (SI)20/9/22 西门子金融ERP招标-安硕信息(交传)
Siemens SFS’s ERP tendering- ASUS Information (CI)20/8/26 IDQ、合兴季度例会(同传)
Quarterly meeting for IDQ and ADQ (SI)20/8/5 镓族科技与比利时安特卫普大学交流例会(同传)
The cooperation intention negotiation between Jiaju Technology and Universiteit Antwerpen (SI)20/6/18 第二季度证券基金行业首席经济学家例会(同传)
Q2 meeting for chief economist of securities fund industry (SI)20/6/17 北京、伦敦资管业务线上交流会暨《海外资管机构赴北京投资指南》发布会(同传)
The webinar for Beijing Asset Management Association and London Asset Management and the press conference for “Guidance for the Investment of Overseas Asset Management Institutions in Beijing” (SI)20/6/16 Nokia TP上线业务方案(交传,一共4次)
Nokia TP online service scheme (CI)20/4-20/5 Imagination Technologies、Apple集团与国新董事会三方采购案(同传)
The procurement case among Imagination Technologies, Apple and China Reform Holdings (SI)20/4/7 传世知行公关公司-一汽马自达招标(同传)
TRANS-PR new year’s tendering for Mazda (SI)20/3/14 Imagination Technologies与国新董事会年会(同传)
Annual conference between Imagination Technologies and China Reform Holdings (SI)20/1/9 海关总署与加拿大CFIA就油菜籽进口措施谈判案(第二回合)交传
The sanction negotiation meeting on Canola Import between General Administration of customs and CFIA of Canada (second round)
Meeting on credit risk filing between CCB- Cargill BOD (CI)
2019 10th session of International Capital Summit (ICC) (SI)19/12/18-20
China International Poverty Alleviation Center - poverty alleviation policy and practice (CI)19/11/10 立陶宛科创局路演(上海,交传)
Roadshow of Lithuanian science and innovation delegation (Shanghai, CI)19/11/8 Vivo和三星联合发布会“共创芯生”(交传)
The press conference on "new chip development" jointly held by Vivo and Samsung
"Mr. Lee" brand negotiations on beef offering case with ACC (SI)
2019 World City Day (Tangshan)
The 7th Military World Games (CI)19/11/7
19/10/12-10/29WTO TBT/SPS专题研讨会(交传,海关总署)
WTO TBT/ SPS Symposium (GACC, CI)19/9/12-9/13 世贸组织TBT和SPS协定国别研讨会(同传,地点:商务部)
National seminar on WTO TBT and SPS agreement (MOFCOM; SI)19/9/10-11 蔚来PV路演(同传)
NIO PV roadshow (SI)19/8/28 中美老年长期护理照护师资培训(同传)
Sino-US teacher training seminar for long-term care in the elderly (SI)19/8/23-26 北京市科委人才交流中心“走近科学家”系列活动之对话英国人工智能科学家(同传以及交传)
Activity on "approaching scientists" and dialogue with British artificial intelligence scientists in the Talent Exchange Center of Beijing Municipal Commission of Science and Technology19/8/20 劲酒集团品牌营销以及OOH广告投放招标(交传)
Tendering meeting for brand marketing and OOH advertising of Jinjiu Group (CI)19/8/19 2019年国际旅行健康和传染病防控专题研讨(同传)
2019 International Seminar on Travel Health and Infectious Disease Prevention and Control (SI)19/7/26 中建设公司对天津播音复合材料公司改造一轮投标案(同传)
The first round of tendering meeting for Tianjin Boeing Composite by China State Construction (SI)
Primary school education forum held by Beijing Normal University– NCC (SI)19/7/10-11
Seminar on the prospects of African agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences19/6/25-26 Compass 区块链技术谈判(交传)
Blockchain technology negotiation meeting by Compass (CI)19/6/13 北方石油化工集团董事会议(交传)
BOD meeting of North Petrochemical Group (CI)19/6/8 中央电视台《国家公园》栏目组交传(央视海外中心)
CCTV “National Park” documentary (CGTN)
Responsible for interpreting the shooting activities, script discussion and report and review meetings19/5/21-6/6 亚洲文明对话大会部长会议(交传)
Ministerial meeting of the Asian Civilization Dialogue Conference (CI)19/5/17 一带一路“巴基斯坦中国投资与招商论坛”(交传)
OBOR “Pakistan-Sino Investment and Promotion Forum” (CI)19/4/28 中铁十四局招待晚宴
Reception dinner of China Railway 14th Bureau19/4/25 Microsoft SCOM IT培训会议(交传)
Microsoft SCOM IT Training Conference (CI)19/4/25 Honey Droplet商务谈判会(交传)
Honey Droplet Business negotiation meeting (CI)19/4/21 中英自闭症领航研讨会(同传)
Sino-British Symposium on Autism (SI)19/4/19 中元国际招标案(交传)
International IPPR tendering case (CI)19/4/16-17 复兴丝绸之路与阿曼大使馆第一次会晤(交传)
The first meeting between the Renaissance Silk Road and the Embassy of Oman (CI)19/4/12 Csoft北京公司对联想集团投标会(耳语同传+交传)
Csoft Beijing branch’s bidding for Legend Group (whispered SI + CI)19/4/10-11 OYO PR会议(同传)
OYO PR conference (SI)19/4/5 上海文具展北京会场JPT宣讲会(同传)
Shanghai stationery exhibition- JPT conference in Beijing (SI)19/3/29-30 京东与微软Minecraft(我的世界)媒体沟通会(交传)
Media press conference between JD and Microsoft Minecraft (CI)19/3/28 传世知行公关公司英菲尼迪2019招标(同传)
TRANS-PR tendering for Infiniti 2019 (SI)19/1/25 以色列城市发展论坛-“垂直城市与城市农业”(交传)
Israel Urban Development Forum- "Vertical City and Urban Agriculture" (CI)19/1/20 世界旅游城市日-阿塞拜疆大使馆路演(交传)
World Tourism City Day- roadshow of Azerbaijani embassy (CI)19/1/15 中芬冬季论坛揭幕仪式(同传)
Unveiling ceremony of China-Finnish Winter Forum (SI)18/12/3-12/5 法国大使馆“法国Innova周”路演(同传以及交传)
French Innova week held by the French Embassy (CI; SI)18/12/28 美国大使馆参赞北京城市副中心项目规划会议(同传)
The negotiation meeting between the US embassy and the authority of Beijing municipal sub center (SI)18/12/1 第七届银行业数据中心联席会议(武汉同传)
The 7th Joint Conference on Banking Data Centre (Wuhan, SI)
Apus’s Interview with the Economist magazine (CI)
2018 China (Ji'nan) International Forum on Industrial Finance (SI)18/11/16
Canadian Embassy’s roadshow in Beijing (CI)
Linsley School教育论坛(同传)
Secondary School Forum by Linsley School (SI)18/10/23-28
Chicago Tourism Bureau roadshow (SI)
The 1st China Tianquanhu Astronomy Forum18/9/20
Workshop on “Mauritius governance reform” by NDRC (CI)18/9/2-9/4 发改委国际合作中心“阿富汗政府良政”(交传)
Workshop on "good governance of the Afghanistan government" by NDRC (CI)18/8/24-8/28 以色列驻华大使、LP公司以及中建材会议(交传)
The cooperation meeting among Israeli ambassador to China, LP company and China Building Materials (CI)18/8/16 ComBTAS和用友云金融科技JV谈判案(同传以及交传)
Cooperation negotiation between ComBTAS and UF (CI; SI)18/8/14 法国技术公司Curamic电话技术会议
Curamic teleconference18/8/11 中国食品工业发酵工业研究院与商务部培训项目-格林纳达班课程翻译(交传)
On-spot training program of China Food Industry and Fermentation Industry Research Institute and MOFCOM (CI)18/7/11-7/30 E3游戏展(腾讯线上同传)
E3 game show (SI)18/6/9-11 2018电力市场国际峰会(交传)
2018 International Power Market Summit (CI)18/6/26-6/27 环境能源署-“2020年能源展望”(同传)
Environmental Energy Agency's “Energy Outlook for 2020” (SI)18/6/22-23 水利部与丹麦环境资源署关于中国海绵城市以及水环境合作以及考察项目(交传)
Cooperation and investigation project between Ministry of Water Resources and Danish Environmental Resources Agency on sponge city and water environment in China (CI)18/6/13-6/14 阿里巴巴与小黑盒(Heybox)引进合作谈判交传
The cooperation negotiation for games between Heybox and Alibaba18/6/9 欧盟能源矿产项目B2B洽谈
B2B negotiation for EU energy and mineral projects18/6/7-6/8 法国技术公司Curamic电话会议
Curamic teleconference18/6/5 大众汽车新一代宝来发布会(同传)
Volkswagen New Generation Bora press conference (SI)18/6/3-6/4 用友云与以色列ComBTAS第二轮商务谈判(交传)
The second round of business negotiation between UF Cloud and Israel ComBTAS (CI)18/5/28 大数据产业博览会(贵阳-交传)
The International Big Data Industry Expo (Guiyang; CI)18/5/26 中信书店、Page One书店与香港Elite Solution Links Company商务谈判(交传)
Business negotiation between CITIC bookstore, Page One bookstore and Hong Kong Elite Solution Links Company (CI)18/5/22 雅诗兰黛double wear foundation品牌活动(交传)
Estee Lauder Double Wear Foundation briefing (CI)18/5/18-5/19 第20届幼教论坛中新论坛(交传)
The 20th Preschool Education Forum – Sino-Singapore subforum (CI)18/5/10 用友云与以色列ComBTAS中国落地项目谈判(交传)
The first round of business negotiation between UF Cloud and Israel ComBTAS (CI)18/5/8 泰国旅游推介会(交传)
Year 2018 Thailand Tourism Promotion Conference (CI)18/4/25 Strata+ Hadoop北京峰会口译(同传)
Strata+ Hadoop Summit in Beijing (SI)18/4/13-4/14 European Commission旅游洽谈会翻译(交传)
European Commission B2B Tourism Fair (CI)18/4/16 以色列政府对TOPP停车集团设备采购以及并购案
Negotiation on equipment purchase and merger and acquisition of TOPP Company by the Israeli government18/4/10-4/12 加拿大大使馆B2B与中国远洋集团贵金属与海湾资源谈判
B2B Negotiation between Canadian Embassy and COSCO for precious metals and Gulf resources18/4/5 Current Capital与美区块链公司R3CEV技术引进谈判(沈阳同传)
Negotiations on technology transfer between Current Capital and R3CEV (Shenyang, SI)18/4/3-4/4 埃森哲副总裁Miguel《能源评论》采访交传(区块链及公用事业领域运用)
Interview with Miguel, vice president of Accenture on blockchain and utilities (CI)18/3/28 妇女儿童基金会自闭症医学活动周口译活动。23-26,演讲同传以及会议口译
UNICEF’s Autism Week (SI)18/3/21-3/26 北京“798”创客空间“宜人家居”揭幕仪式(交传)
Unveiling ceremony of "pleasant home" of "798" maker space in Beijing (CI)18/2/5 中国银行中银智汇产品及跨境业务介绍会(廊坊,交传)
Press conference of BOC products and cross-border business (Langfang, SI)17/12/2 课程演讲“SENSY-用于分析人类运动以及支持eHealth的无线传感器系统”以及“CMOS Image Sensor with Watermarking”(同传)
Seminar on “SENSY- for analyzing human movement and supporting eHealth's wireless sensor system" and "CMOS Image Sensor with Watermarking" (SI)17/12/1 ITTC洽谈会交传(负责美国医疗公司软件设施项目翻译)
ITTC Fair (responsible for the interpretation of software facilities project)17/11/27-28 ZA 2合一眉笔线上发布会(交传)
Za 2 in 1 eyebrow pen online press conference (CI)17/11/25 ABC英语STEM培训课程交传
STEM course held by ABC English Company17/11/23 联合国鄂尔多斯防治沙漠化大会东道国代表组(交传及同传)
UNCCD COP13 (CI; SI)17/8/27-9/16 Nokia 360度摄像仪发布会交传
Nokia 360 degree camera press conference (CI)17/8/22-8/26 COP23德国伯恩波恩气候谈判会议中国代表团(与万科方、举办方)视频谈判会议(交传)
COP23 organizer’s videoconference with Vanke and the host (CI)17/8/11 Strata+Hadoop 北京峰会(Dougg Cutting,交传)
Strata + Hadoop Summit in Beijing (CI)17/7/13-7/15 农业部外派项目带团陪同,考察云南、青海、内蒙植被、耕地状况。
Delegation to inspect the vegetation and cultivated land in Yunnan, Qinghai and Inner Mongolia by Ministry of Agriculture (CI)17/6/22-6/27 2017年中国房地产年会(同传)
2017 China Real Estate Annual Meeting (SI)17/5/24-27 第十九届北京早教展分论坛-新加坡早教协会演讲交传,广受好评。
The 19th Preschool Education Forum – Sino-Singapore subforum (CI)17/4/25 金沙江资本并购案:加拿大萨斯喀彻温省医学代表团北京医学访问活动翻译,翻译代表团与北医三院、清华附属医院专家学术交流会议
Jinsha River Capital’s M&A case17/4/14-4/17 全球虚拟现实产业峰会(北京石景山,同传)
World Conference on VR Industry (Beijing, SI)17/4/11-4/12 2016机器学习行业应用国际峰会(北大-担任IBM Lazar现场翻译)
2016 International Summit on Machine Learning Industrial Application (CI)16/11/22-23 巴林王国“深圳-麦纳麦友好交流活动周”
"Shenzhen- Manamah friendly exchange week" (CI)16/10-16/11 G20阿拉伯代表团接待和翻译工作
Reception and translation work for G20 Arab delegations16/10 Strata+Hadoop第一届全球北京峰会(交传)
Strata + Hadoop Summit in Beijing (CI)
IBM bigdata university(交传)
IBM bigdata University (CI)16/8/26-31
16/9-10凤凰卫视与Twitter Olympics夏季奥林匹克运动会报道抓取以及现场解说活动
The report activities held by Phoenix TV and Twitter Summer Olympic Games
Appendix: certificates and qualification
National seminar on WTO TBT and SPS agreement
Sino-US teacher training seminar for long-term care in the elderly in 2019
2019 International Seminar on Travel Health and Infectious Disease Prevention and Control
Photos of preparation work
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