- 笔译案例
发布时间:2014-08-19 16:36 点击:
公司介绍恒昌华安成立于2006年,注册资金2100万元人民币,是专为政府、军队、金融、教育等行业提供信息化系统集成服务的高科技企业。公司成立以来,致力于为客户提供最优的端到端整体解决方案,提供满足客户需求的高可靠IT产品及通信产品。通过多年技术积累,恒昌华安陆续推出了环境动力监控、数字视频监控、智能通信机房系统、网络分布式存储系统等多种解决方案;同时代理销售华为全系列光传输产品,高清视讯产品,艾默生网络电源产品,专业为用户提供机房综合监控、安防监控、通信系统安装与调试、软件研发、配电集成等多元化全方位信息化服务。公司至今已承接军队、政府机关、金融、教育系统、企事业单位的上百个大、中型工程项目,优秀的产品、稳定可靠的系统,深受用户好评。公司采用规范科学的管理,先后取得了ISO9001质量体系认证、国军标质量管理体系认证、总后勤部军队物资采购网入网资格、军工保密资格、安防监控施工资格、计算机信息系统集成企业资质认证等,能为用户提供专业的服务。公司坚持以人为本、持续发展的经营理念,以灵活、人性化的管理机制吸引优秀人才的加盟,通过多年积累培养了一批业务熟练、技术精湛的高素质协作团队。“专业、厚实、诚信”是公司一贯追求的目标,诚信的恒昌华安会迅速专业的响应您提出的每一个需求,同时凭借完善的售后服务体系,7*24小时服务热线让您的选择更放心。译文www.cineflex.comThe Cineflex HiDEF leads the broadcast and productionindustry with its unparalleled 5-axis gyro-stabilization,providing the smoothest shots even in the air, at sea andon rough terrain. The system is lighter and more compact than competingsystems, making it the superior choice for aerial production.The Cineflex HiDEF uses a professional broadcast capture device, the Sony®HDC-1500, to provide true scene fidelity. It accepts multiple Fujinon® lenses foroptical zoom capabilities ranging from the widest fields-of-view to the longestfocal lengths available. In addition to aerial platforms, this system has provencapability mounted on cable and rail systems, cars, trucks, boats and othermobile platforms.Cineflex is a product family of General Dynamics Global Imaging Technologies, aprovider of high-performance camera systems and components.Cineflex HiDEFStabilized High-Definition (HD)Camera SystemFEATURESProven Performance in Televisionand FilmTrue HD Image Clarity5-Axis Gimbal Assembly forUnmatched StabilityReliable Operation in the HarshestEnvironmentsInterchangeable Lens OptionsCompact Size and WeightErgonomic, User-Friendly DesignEasily Integrated Onto a WideVariety of PlatformsEasy Accessibility to ControlFunctions During FlightCineflex HiDEF www.cineflex.comHD Daylight SensorCamera Sony HDC-1500Sensor Type 3-CCD 2/3”Effective Pixels 1920(H) x 1080(V)Aspect Ratio 16:9Resolution 1080p, 720p, NTSC/PALSpectrum System F1.4 prism systemBuilt in Filters 1: Clear, 2: 1/4ND, 3: 1/8ND,4: 1/16ND, 5: 1/64NDA: Cross, B: 3200K, C: 4300K,D: 6300K, E: 8000KServo Filter Control YesSensitivity F10 at 2000 lx (3200k, 89.9% reflectance)Signal-To-Noise Ratio 54dB (typical)Horizontal Resolution 1000 TV linesLens OptionsThe camera system can be adapted for multiple lens configurations upon requestAngènieux™ 40 x 22* (22mm to 1760mm optical)*Angènieux™ 40 x 11 HD ISF (11mm to 880mm optical)Fujinon™ HA 42 x 13.5 (13.5mm to 1134mm optical)Fujinon™ HA 42 x 9.7 (9.7mm to 815mm optical)Fujinon™ HA 23 x 7.6 (7.6mm to 350mm optical)Fujinon™ HA 14 x 4.5 (4.5mm to 138mm optical)*Note – Non-interchangeable lens optionSystem SpecificationsSystem Type 5-axis gyro-stabilizedAzimuth Coverage 360° ContinuousElevation Coverage +30° to -195°Roll Coverage +/- 45°Slew Rate >55°/sec*Max Slew Acceleration 100° / sec2*Angènieux 40 x 22 Lens Option Slew Rate <35°/sec380 Crown Point CircleGrass Valley, CA 95945+1 530.271.2500info@cineflex.comwww.cineflex.comManufacturer reserves the right to changespecifications to reflect latest changes intechnology and improvements at any timewithout notice. Export is subject to U.S.Government regulations.DS3-1211-2aDimensionsTurret 19.8” x 14.9”Lens Enclosure 8.5” (D) x 0.5”– 7.5” (L)Auxiliary Control Unit 14” x 19” x 6”Laptop Control Unit 17” x 8.75” x 1.8”Cable Set 20’ lengthWeightTurret 65-74 lbs.Lens Enclosure N/AAuxiliary Control Unit 27 lbs.Laptop Control Unit 5 lbs.Cable Set 9 lbs.PowerInput Voltage 28 VDC +/- 10%Power – Quiescent 85 WattsPower – Continuous 170 WattsPower – Transient 230 WattsSystem InterfacesDigital serial RS-232/422Incorporated Camera AcesoriesSony HKC-T1500 Block Extension AdaptorSony RM-B750 LCD touch-panel screen