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发布时间:2018-04-10 14:25 点击:
《卫报》:BBC承认《人类星球》系列中的树屋场景是假的据英国《卫报》报道,《人类星球》于2011年播出,在某个片段中出现巴布亚新几内亚的Korowai人进出树屋的场景,然而这却是假的。An episode of the eight-part Human Planet series, which aired in 2011, depicted the life of the Korowai people of Papua New Guinea and included members moving into a treehouse.BBC表示,他们目前正在给BBC2频道制作新纪录片《My Year With The Tribe》。当他们再次来到Korowai人部落的时候却得知,当年的这个树屋是为了纪录片而搭建的。一位当地人说,这是“为了海外节目制作方”而建造的。The BBC said that during the making of a new documentary series for BBC2, entitled My Year With The Tribe, it emerged that the treehouse scene had been staged. A member of the tribe told the makers of the new series that they built the treehouses “for the benefit of overseas programme makers”.
此外,据《每日电讯》报道,实际上用于居住的树屋距离地面要近得多,高一些的树屋只是为了仪式目的,或者仅仅是部落中青少年碰面的地方。In fact the families live in tree houses built much closer to the ground, leaving the higher ones for ritual purposes, or simply meeting places for the tribe’s teenagers.BBC在一份声明中表示:“在2011年《人类星球》的这一集中,BBC违反了一系列的编辑准则,对巴布亚新几内亚的Korowai人产生了极大困扰。”In a statement the BBC said: “The BBC has been alerted to a breach of editorial standards in an episode of Human Planet from 2011 which concerns the Korowai people of Papua New Guinea.“BBC重新回顾了《人类星球》中造假的一集,发现其中‘当地人把树屋当作真实居家’的场景是不准确的。”“The BBC has reviewed a sequence in Human Planet depicting this and found that the portrayal of the tribe moving into the treehouse as a real home is not accurate.”
BBC纪录片造假,恐怕令不少观众难以想像。不过更令人震惊的是,这并不是BBC纪录片的第一次造假。2015年,剧组被指用一只半驯化的狼“出演”片中的野狼,剧组方面给出的说法则是,他们在当地没能找到野狼。It is not the first time that the eight-part series has been embroiled in a fakery scandal. In 2015 it emerged that the production crew used a semi-domesticated wolf after being unable to find a “wild” wolf to film on location.播出时那一集名为《Deserts: Life in the Furnace》,讲述的是蒙古游牧生活。在剧集中,一头野狼穿过戈壁大漠,两名牧民朝狼跑去的方向开枪,并且很遗憾没能将野狼成功射杀。In that episode, called Deserts: Life in the Furnace, two Mongolian camel herders fired shots in the direction of the “wild” wolf as it ran across the Gobi desert then discussed their frustration at failing to kill it.而BBC随后承认,这只半驯化的狼,是在驯兽师的引导下跑向指定方向。