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User informationKnife head S+S (2M)Typen 258 / 445 / 450 / 470 / 490 / 420 / 505User informationKnife head S+S (2M)EN_S+S-MK-2M_Übersetzung der Originalbetriebsanweisung V1.1.docx 11.06.2012 ic11.06.2012 07:42:00Seite 20 Safety informationCaution! The following safety measures must always be observed during sharpening and assembly of the cutter head! Proper sharpening and assembly of the knife head is a prerequisite for safe and malfunction-free operation of the bowl cutter. The User Information must be passed on if the machine is resold. All persons involved in the sharpening and assembly of the knife head must read and observe the following user information. If someone is not in a position to read or understand the user information, then all instructions and safety measures must be thoroughly explained to him. It is a question of your own safety!Keep minors, children and unauthorised persons away from the machine! The operator is obliged to allow only those persons to operate the machine who:- have been instructed in the operation of the machine and who are familiar with the basic regulations concerning work safety and accident prevention.- have read and understood this user information, especially the safety chapter and the safety instructions. Operation and maintenance of the bowl cutter is dangerous work as defined in the Protection of Underage Workers statute (§ 22) (FRG). Insure that no unauthorised persons operate the machine.Safe removal of knife head and knife The knife head and individual knives must be removed and stored safely for transport when they are not being used.Use according to directions The S&S knife head is intended for bowl cutters from the K+G WETTER company. No other use is authorised. The maximum authorised speed for the S&S knife head is 5000 RPM. Flawless sharpening (chapter 5), adjustment (chapter 2.1) and flawless balancing and mounting in accordance with the chapters 2.2 and 3.1 are prerequisites. The clamping sleeve is a component of the S&S knife head. No knife systems of different design may be mounted on this clamping sleeve.User informationKnife head S+S (2M)EN_S+S-MK-2M_Übersetzung der Originalbetriebsanweisung V1.1.docx 11.06.2012 ic11.06.2012 07:42:00Seite 3Table of Contents Page0 Safety information 21 Description 41.1 Knife head/individual piece list 41.2 Knife assemblies 51.3 Balancing disc 51.4 Knife types 52 Adjusting and balancing the knife head 62.1 Adjusting 62.2 Balancing 73 Knife head assembly 93.1 Knife head assembly 93.2 Disassembly of the knife head 134 Knife head installation and removal 144.1 Mounting the knife head 144.2 Removing the knife head 155 Sharpening instructions 175.1 Sharpening 176 Cleaning and inspection 186.1 Cleaning 186.2 Inspection 18User informationKnife head S+S (2M)EN_S+S-MK-2M_Übersetzung der Originalbetriebsanweisung V1.1.docx 11.06.2012 ic11.06.2012 07:42:00Seite 41 Description1.1 Knife head/individual piece listMesserpaket 11 Clamping sleeve,mounted1 258 A 192 M 258 A 192 M 470-0-057 490-0-022 490-0-0222 Centring pin 1 264 A 109 264 A 109 264 A 109 264 A 109 264 A 1093 Knife head disc 1 and2, complete1 258-0-006 M 258-0-006 M 265-0-011 M 264-0-017 M 264-0-017 M4 Knife head disc 3 - 6,complete2 258 A 176 M 258 A 176 M 265 A 079 M 264 A 087 M 264 A 087 M5 Intermediate disk 2 (1) 258-0-005(1) 258-0-005(1) 265-0-010 264-0-013 264-0-0136 Filler piece, Knife head1+22 258-0-004 258-0-004 265-0-009 264-0-011 264-0-0117 Attachment screw forknife assembly 13 403 031 403 031 403 031 403 031 403 0318 Knife A/1 (Straight) 6 258 C 132 258 C 132 265 C 026 261 C 048 264 C 0528 Knife B/1 (2-radius) 6 258 C 105 258 C 105 265 C 023 261 C044 264 C 0442 radius shaped is shown in Figure 1.9 Balancing plug 185 A 066 185 A 066 185 A 066 185 A 066 185 A 06610 Plastic ring 311 Steel core 3 Packaged only as complete Knife head disc.12 Round washer 96 x 2 313 Attachment screw 4 1000 1126 1000 1126 1000 1126 1000 1126 1000 112614 Cover disk 1 258 B 169 258 B 169 265 B 072 264 B 037 264 B 03715 Cap nut 1 219 A 046 219 A 046 178 A 127 178 A 127 178 A 12716 Safety bolt 1 178 A 126 178 A 126 178 A 126 178 A 126 178 A 12617 Gasket 1 420 055 420 055 420 055 420 055 420 055User informationKnife head S+S (2M)EN_S+S-MK-2M_Übersetzung der Originalbetriebsanweisung V1.1.docx 11.06.2012 ic11.06.2012 07:42:00Seite 5The complete S+S knife head consists of 3 knife assemblies with twoknife each, a clamping sleeve, attachment screws, intermediatediscs, centring bolt, cap nut and safety bolt. Depending on theapplication, one knife assembly with two knives can be replaced byan intermediate disc of the same thickness.1.2 Knife assembliesA complete knife assembly consists of the balancing disc and twoknife radially opposite to each other which are screwed onto thebalancing disc. For knife pack 1 a filler piece is mounted between thefirst and the second knife. Behind the second knife a filler piece ismounted the same way. On knife assembly 1, the centring pin(Figure 1, Pos. 2) is also screwed into the balancing disc with anattachment screw.1.3 Balancing discEach balancing disc consists of a solid steel core with a twelve-sidedhole in the centre and 4 stop pins. Two stop pins act as a stop foreach cutter knife.For easier handling of the knife assembly, the outer ring of thebalancing disc is made of plastic. It contains bores for the balancingweights.1.4 Knife typesType ”straight – shape A/1” Type ”2 radii – shape”User informationKnife head S+S (2M)EN_S+S-MK-2M_Übersetzung der Originalbetriebsanweisung V1.1.docx 11.06.2012 ic11.06.2012 07:42:00Seite 62 Adjusting and balancing the knife head2.1 AdjustingAttachment screwAdjusting hexagonal pieceAdjusting screwBalancing deviceStop pinAllan key with handleFigure 2 Adjusting knife assemblyThe knives included with the machine are factory-set to the optimaldistance from the bowl. The distance is 0,8 to 1,2 mm and 1,0 to 1,5mm for cooking cutters. Knives delivered later must be adjustedbefore use with the adjusting and balancing device (included withbowl cutter) as follows:- Lay balancing disc onto the adjusting hexagonal piece (Figure 2)with the stop pins upwards.- Lay knives onto the balancing disc, affix firmly onto the stop pinsand screw on tightly with the attachment screws (Figure 2).- Turn knife counterclockwise to the setting screw (Figure 2).- The knife must pass by the adjusting screw easily.- If a knife does not pass by the setting screw, it must be grounddown on the front cutting edge until it passes by easily (Sharpeninginstructions, see chapter 5 ).User informationKnife head S+S (2M)EN_S+S-MK-2M_Übersetzung der Originalbetriebsanweisung V1.1.docx 11.06.2012 ic11.06.2012 07:42:00Seite 72.2 BalancingBalancing discBalancing hexagonalBalancing weightpieceFigure 3 Balancing knife assemblyAttention: After having removed the knives from the balance disk also alwaysremove the balance weights. Use a dull object to extract the weights.Each knife assembly must be rebalanced as follows after eachdisassembly and especially after sharpening.- Lay knife assembly 1 onto the balancing hexagonal piece (seeFigure 3 and Figure 4) with the balancing disc upwards.- Lift complete unit with the handle of the adjusting hexogonal pieceand set it onto the balancing device (Figure 4). The tip on theunderside of the adjusting hexagonal piece must be placed exactlyin the ball-shaped depression of the balancing device.Plastic ringBalancing deviceHandleBalancinghexagonal pieceConical tipKnife assembly 2 Knife assemblyFigure 4 Balancing knife assemblies 1User informationKnife head S+S (2M)EN_S+S-MK-2M_Übersetzung der Originalbetriebsanweisung V1.1.docx 11.06.2012 ic11.06.2012 07:42:00Seite 8- Bring knife assembly to a halt by pushing up the plastic ring(Figure 4).- Push plastic ring back down.- Compensate disequillibrium with balancing weights. Place theseinto the bores of the balancing disc (see Figure 3) in such a waythat the knife assembly lies still and perfectly horizontal on thebalancing device.- Press balancing weights into the bores of the balancing disk.Balancing heagonalKnife assemblyPlastic ringConical tipBalancing deviceHandlepieceFigure 5 Blancing the knife assembly 2 + 3- Knife packs 2 and 3 are balanced out the same way.User informationKnife head S+S (2M)EN_S+S-MK-2M_Übersetzung der Originalbetriebsanweisung V1.1.docx 11.06.2012 ic11.06.2012 07:42:00Seite 93 Knife head assemblyThis chapter describes the assembly of the knife head from itsindividual parts. A description of mounting the assembled knife headon the knife shaft is found in chapters 4.1 and 4.3.Cut-resistant protective gloves must be worn when assembling theknife head. The knife head is assembled on the bowl cutter. To avoidbreaking knives, only precisely sharpened (see chapter 5) andadjusted (see chapter 2.1) knives must be used. To achieve preciseknife fit and prevent pitting, the individual parts must be absolutelyclean, dry, free of cleaning agents and lightly greased with K&GWetter foodstuff-compatible grease.3.1 Knife head assemblyKnife assembly 1Clamping sleeveKnife assembly 2Knife assembly 3Knife assembly 4Safety boltCap nutCover diskIntermediate discCentring pinFigure 6 Knife headUser informationKnife head S+S (2M)EN_S+S-MK-2M_Übersetzung der Originalbetriebsanweisung V1.1.docx 11.06.2012 ic11.06.2012 07:42:00Seite 10The description of knife shaft seal and knife shaft lock of oldermodels may differ from the text below. The corresponding point in thechapter Knife Head Mounting in the Bowl Cutter User Informationmust be observed in these cases.Ready all the necessary parts in accordance with the piece list onpage 4.Bearing capKnife shaft sealing diskKnife shaftPlace the knife shaft sealing disk on the knife shaft in front of thebearing. Watch the groove!Screw the clamping sleeve in the counter-clockwise directionagainst the knife shaft. If necessary, prevent the knife shaft fromturning as well by placing an SW 70 open-jawed spanner on thetwo faces of the clamping disk.TighthenSafty boltPlace on the twoffaccess of the knife shaft sealing diskPlace on the hexagonalpiece of theclamping sleeveUser informationKnife head S+S (2M)EN_S+S-MK-2M_Übersetzung der Originalbetriebsanweisung V1.1.docx 11.06.2012 ic11.06.2012 07:42:00Seite 11Place an angled SW 70 open-jawed spanner (included) on theclamping sleeve and set the handle of the spanner on the convexcentre section of the bowl or inside the bowl.Place an straight SW 70 open-jawed spanner (included) on the twofaces of the sealing disk and screw tightly in the clockwisedirection.Place knife assembly 1 (with one knife, see Figure 1) onto theclamping sleeve in such a way that the centering pin of knifeassembly 1 (see Figure 6) slides into the bore of the clampingsleeve.Push intermediate washer (Figurt 1, Pos 5) on the clamping sleeve.Insert knife pack 2 on the clamping sleeve. Make sure you turned it60° counter clockwise. The offset relates to the previous knife set.Also place knife assembly 3 onto the clamping sleeve offset by 60ºin the counterclockwise direction.Push intermediate washer (Figure 1, Pos. 5) on the clampingsleeve.Cover disk on the clamping sleeve.Screw cap nut in the counter-clockwise direction onto the knifehead.TightenPlace spannerSafty boltCap nutPlace on the hexagonal pieceof the clamping sleeveFigure 7 Tigthening the knife headUser informationKnife head S+S (2M)EN_S+S-MK-2M_Übersetzung der Originalbetriebsanweisung V1.1.docx 11.06.2012 ic11.06.2012 07:42:00Seite 12Place a SW 70 open-jawed spanner on the cap nut and the handleof the spanner in the cutter bowl or on its convex centre section(Figure 7).Place a second SW70 open-jawed spanner on the clamping sleeveand tighten firmly in the clockwise direction (Figure 7)Screw in and tighten safety bolt (Figure 6) .Turn knife head and cutter bowl by hand one revolution each.The knives must not contact the bowl.To assemble a knife head with 4 knife assemblies, knife assembly3 can be replaced by an intermediate disc. Knife assembly 4 mustthen be placed onto the clamping sleeve offset by 90° in relation toknife assemblies 1 and 2.Fig. 8 Knife head with 6 knivesFigure 8 Knife head with 6 knivesKnife assembly 2Knife assembly 3Knife assembly 1Knife assembly 1Knife assembly 3Knife assembly 2User informationKnife head S+S (2M)EN_S+S-MK-2M_Übersetzung der Originalbetriebsanweisung V1.1.docx 11.06.2012 ic11.06.2012 07:42:00Seite 133.2 Disassembly of the knife headPlace the SW 70 open-jawed spanner on the rear end of the knifehead on the clamping sleeve and the handle on the convex sectionof the bowl.Completely loosen the safety bolt (see Figure 9) by turning itcounter-clockwise. The safety bolt is inseparably connected to thecap nut.Caution! The safety bolt is destroyed if it has not been completelyscrewed out of the threading of the knife shaft before the knifehead is removed.LoosenRemove safty boltcompletely !Place on the hexagonalpiece of theclampingsleeveFigure 9 Knife head disassemblyPlace second SW 70 open-jawed spanner on the cap nut.Loosen cap nut clockwise with the spanner (see Figure 9).Remove cap nut.Pull discs and knife assemblies from the clamping sleeve.Remove attachment screws in the knife assemblies.Remove knives from the balancing discs.Remove balance weights from the balance wheels.Store knives safely.User informationKnife head S+S (2M)EN_S+S-MK-2M_Übersetzung der Originalbetriebsanweisung V1.1.docx 11.06.2012 ic11.06.2012 07:42:00Seite 144 Knife head installation and removalThis chapter describes the mounting of the assembled knife head onthe knife shaft. A description of the assembly of the knife head fromthe individual parts is found in chapter 3.1.Cut-resistant gloves must be worn when mounting the knife head.The knife shaft locking procedure can deviate from the followingdescription for older bowl cutter models. The corresponding point inthe chapter Knife Head Mounting of the Bowl Cutter User Informationmust be observed in these cases.4.1 Mounting the knife headBearing cupKnife shaft sealing discKnife schaftFigure 10 Sealing the knife shaftPlace the knife shaft sealing disk onto the knife shaft in front of thebearing. Watch the groove!Screw in the knife head in the counter-clockwise direction on theexternal threading of the knife shaft.Place the angled SW 70 open-jawed spanner (included) on therear end of the knife head on the hexagon of the clamping sleeveand set it on the convex section of the bowl.Place the straight open-jawed spanner on the two faces of thesealing disk and tighten firmly in the clockwise direction (seeFigure11).Tighten the safety bolt in the clockwise direction.User informationKnife head S+S (2M)EN_S+S-MK-2M_Übersetzung der Originalbetriebsanweisung V1.1.docx 11.06.2012 ic11.06.2012 07:42:00Seite 15TightenSafty boltPlace on the two facesof the knife shaft sealingdiskPlace on the hexagonal pieceof the clamping sleeveFigure11 Knife head installationTurn knife head and cutter bowl 1 revolution by hand.The knives must not contact the bowl. They must be reground ifthis is the case (see Knife Head User Information).4.2 Removing the knife headPlace the angled SW 70 open-jawed spanner (included) on the twofaces of the sealing disk and set the handle of the spanner on theconvex section of the bowl (see Figure 12).LoosenRemove safty boltcompletlyfor de-installationCup nutPlace on the hexagonalpiece of the clampingPlace on the two facesof the knife shaft sealingsleevesleeveFigure 12 Knife head removalUser informationKnife head S+S (2M)EN_S+S-MK-2M_Übersetzung der Originalbetriebsanweisung V1.1.docx 11.06.2012 ic11.06.2012 07:42:00Seite 16Completely loosen the safety bolt (see Figure 12) in the counter-clockwise direction. The safety bolt is inseparably connected to the cap nut.Caution! The safety bolt is destroyed if it is not completely unscrewed from the threading of the knife shaft before the knife head is loosened. Place the SW 70 open-jawed spanner on the rear end of the knife head on the hexagon of the clamping sleeve. Loosen the knife head with the spanner in the clockwise direction (see Figure 12). Unscrew the knife head from the knife shaft in the clockwise direction and store it safely. Remove the knife shaft sealing disk for cleaning.User informationKnife head S+S (2M)EN_S+S-MK-2M_Übersetzung der Originalbetriebsanweisung V1.1.docx 11.06.2012 ic11.06.2012 07:42:00Seite 175 Sharpening instructionsThe cutter knives may only be re-sharpened by qualified personnel. Ifyou have the sharpening done externally, give these sharpeninginstructions or a copy of them to the sharpening company.The cutter knives must not become overheated at the sharpeningpoint, or else material stress and cracks can arise. Overheating canbe recognised from the yellow-brown to blue diskoloration.5.1 SharpeningSharpen the cutter knives of the knife head in such a way that theymaintain their weight as much as possible.Only resharpen the cutter knives on the convex side with a watercooledgrinding stone in such a way that the original sharpeningangle (usually 27°) is maintained.Regrinding with a belt grinding machinewith ca. 3-3.5 m grinding belt length.First with 150 grain, then with 240 grain.Only sharpen lengthwise to avoidhairline cracks.Polish to a shine with a buffing pad or asisal cord brush.Strip and clean cutter knives with an oil stone.Worn area toCaution! NoGrind.be resharpenedMaintain correct radiusFigure 13 Sharpening areasconvexUser informationKnife head S+S (2M)EN_S+S-MK-2M_Übersetzung der Originalbetriebsanweisung V1.1.docx 11.06.2012 ic11.06.2012 07:42:00Seite 186 Cleaning and inspection6.1 CleaningThe cutter knives are manufactured from high-alloy ferrite chrome steel which is rust-resistant when in hardened and polished condition. However the rust resistance is impaired by chlorine compounds which are found in sausage emulsions. If cleaning is insufficient, this can cause pitting corrosion which can lead to knife breakage in the area subject to high vibration. To avoid this and to insure hygienic production, the knife head must be cleaned daily as follows:- Disassemble the knife head as described in chapter 3.2.- Take apart the knife packages.- Remove all fouling especially on the contact surfaces of the knives and on the intermediate disks by scrubbing it off using a cleaning solution.- Finally, wash all parts in the dishwasher or wash thoroughly with potable water.- Before re-assembling the cutter head, dry all parts thoroughly and grease them lightly with K&G Wetter foodstuff compatible grease.- A mixture of drinking water and cleaning agent in the concentration recommended by the manufacturer is acceptable as a cleaning solution.6.2 InspectionThe knives are subject to high reversed bending stress in cutting operations. They must therefore be tested conscientiously after every sharpening as follows:- Hairline crack test! For the crack test, we recommend magnetic powder testing or the dye penetration testing.- Test of remaining material cross-section by comparison with the attached pattern diagram with a representation of the area of wear.Unitrans世联翻译公司在您身边,离您近的翻译公司,心贴心的专业服务,专业的全球语言翻译与信息解决方案供应商,专业翻译机构品牌。无论在本地,国内还是海外,我们的专业、星级体贴服务,为您的事业加速!世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。 专业翻译公司,北京翻译公司,上海翻译公司,英文翻译,日文翻译,韩语翻译,翻译公司排行榜,翻译公司收费价格表,翻译公司收费标准,翻译公司北京,翻译公司上海。