- 翻译公司资讯
发布时间:2020-05-26 08:16 点击:
世联翻译公司完成系统关键词中英翻译作业部促销费用方案兑现流程 The implementation process for the sales promotion cost scheme of the Operation Department 经销商 Dealer 作业部管理科 Management Division of the Operation Department 作业部预算管理员 Budget Administrator of the Operation Department 作业部部长 Operation Department Director 作业部主管副总 Director and Vice President of the Operation Department 销售中心预算管理员 Budget Administrator of the Sales Center 财务计划部预算管理员 Budget Administrator of the Financial Planning Department 财务计划部部长 Financial Planning Department Director 营销财务负责人 Marketing Financial Director 时间要求 Time requirements 整理报批 Arranging and submitting for approval 核实费用项目 Verifying the expense items 审核 Examining and verifying 批准 Approving 核实费用项目 Verifying the expense items 审核、登记台账 Verifying and recording day-to-day account 审批 Examining and approving 审批 Examining and approving 编制政策上传表 Preparing the policy uploading table 电子版传达 Conveying in electronic edition 政策上传 Uploading polocy 每月25日前 Before the 25th of each month 1日内 Within one day 1日内 Within one day 经销商促销费用报告兑现流程 The implementation process for the sales promotion cost report of the Dealer 经销商 Dealer 作业部预算管理员 Budget Administrator of the Operation Department 作业部部长 Operation Department Director 作业部主管副总 Director and Vice President of the Operation Department 销售中心预算管理员 Budget Administrator of the Sales Center 财务计划部预算管理员 Budget Administrator of the Financial Planning Department 财务计划部部长 Financial Planning Department Director 营销财务负责人 Marketing Financial Director 时间要求 Time requirements 整理报批 Arranging and submitting for approval 审核 Examining and verifying 批准 Approving 核实费用项目 Verifying the expense items 审核、登记台账 Verifying and recording day-to-day account 审批 Examining and approving 审批 Examining and approving 编制政策上传表 Preparing the policy uploading table 电子版传达 Conveying in electronic edition 政策上传 Uploading polocy 每月25日前 Before the 25th of each month 1日内 Within one day 1日内 Within one day