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发布时间:2020-08-11 08:31 点击:
文章转载自 世纪君 21世纪英文报
近日,印度宣布禁用抖音(Tik Tok)、微信(WeChat)等59款中国应用程序后,引发舆论反弹。一些在海外版抖音Tiktok上拥有上千万粉丝的印度网红用户“大吐苦水”,因为禁令让他们失去了主要收入来源……
The former lawyer is now one of India's many TikTok stars, teaching "American English", and giving relationship advice and pep talks to more than 10 million followers on her three channels.
Every day, for the past year, Geet has uploaded 15 videos to her accounts, each usually 20 seconds long. Shooting on her phone and a professional camera, she records up to 120 videos a day to make sure that her larder is never bare. The rest of the week she is busy scripting and editing her videos.
吉特表示,关于抖音的禁令消息传来时,她毫无防备。“我的意思是,这就是我现在的生活,是我的全职工作。”(I mean, this is my life now. It's my full-time job.)
TikTok, Geet says, has changed the lives of a lot of people she knows. Advertisers woo users who have amassed massive followings. "Many of my friends depend on the app as their primary source of income," she says.
Her followers are distraught. "How can I learn English any more?" one asked. "Who will motivate me now?" another wrote.
据印度媒体《印度时报》(The Times of India) 报道,许多印度抖音网红都纷纷表示,自己失去了创作平台。
图源:The Times of India
居住在印度丹巴德一个小村庄的Sanatan Kumar Mahato 因跳传统的宝莱坞舞蹈走红,他表示,自己已经在Tik Tok上投入了18个月的时间,目前他在抖音上已经拥有270万粉丝。
图源:Tik Tok
Hailing from the small village of Kushmatand in Dhanbad, TikTok sensation Sanatan Kumar Mahato, who shot into limelight for his old school Bollywood dance choreographies, said he invested more than 18 months to the platform. His TikTok handle @DancerSanatan has around 27 lakh followers and was set to hit the 30 lakh.
“My journey with TikTok is a testimony to the fact that such platforms can do wonders for artists like us. My YouTube channel has 2.2 lakh subscribers, but my popularity on TikTok is significantly higher.”
护理学校毕业的Anamika Paswan 是抖音的活跃用户,她表示,抖音这款应用令她重新与艺术有所联系,她希望这一禁令是暂时的,不然她只能寻找新的平台进行娱乐创作。
Anamika Paswan, a nursing graduate from Ranchi’s Chutia locality, said the app helped her reconnect with her artistic.
A regular TikTok user with a modest count of 9,500 followers, Paswan said she hopes the ban is temporary. “But if it continues, I might have to find a new platform to keep myself engaged,” she added.
英国杂志《经济学人》(The Economist) 也发文称,印度的抖音禁令夺走了这个国家最喜欢的娱乐活动。
图源:The Economist
综合来源:BBC, The Times of India, The Ecnomist
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