- 翻译公司资讯
发布时间:2021-02-04 09:06 点击:
- 询价阶段 Enquiry phase:
机械项目经理、硬件、软件工程师以及采购员对捷飞特意大利相关部门进行技术商询,采购根据结果向捷飞特意大利采购部询价(包括 货期、价格)
MPM, hardware engineer, software engineer and Purchaser, shall send technical enquires to the related department in Italy and our PUD can consequently enquire the Italian purchase department about price and delivery time.
- 采购阶段Purchase phase:
Only after we have confirmed the items to be purchased in Italy, we proceed as follows:
- 集团内物料单 Intercompany BOM
PUD will prepare an ‘Intercompany BOM’ based on the requests of related Technical Departments (MED/EED) and the delivery time requested by PDM. The BOM must respect following guidelines:
- 内部参考项目、工作站、工作组号
项目号Intercompany Project Number:
代表该年年份,例2013年,项目号为 GD013
The project represents the identification of the year.
Station: this station represents the identification of each BOM. The number is progressive, from 001 to 999 and if necessary form A01 to Z99.
- 采购在‘内部物料单’上加注编号(此编号应与订单编号相同)。
- 捷飞特(大连)采购分类GEFIT Dalian purchase classification (reference only for GEFIT DALIAN)
- 应用于项目Purchase on Project (Gefit Dalian Project, Station, Group)
- 应用于库房Purchase for our warehouse (Gefit Dalian warehouse)
- 备注Notes:
- 捷飞特意大利只有在收到‘内部物料单’之后方开始采购。
- 每一张物料单对应一个采购合同。
One BOM, one SHIPMENT(Italy will ship the materials listed in the OM only 1 time-no multiple shipments)[q1]
- 禁止增加物料单上的零部件数量,(如有必要,可以减少)
- 如果是捷飞特意大利的技术/特殊设备采购(例如),申请人需就该采购项单独、完整填写一张物料申请单,同时附确认版本技术参数资料。
- 在物料单发出一周后,意大利需提供确定的价格及交货期,采购输入用友系统并签订PO。
In case of purchaser can not receive the price and delivery date within one week since the internal BOM sending, the purchaser still need to input the PO in UFIDA: 1. Price: i euro for each item, 2. Delivery Date: expect delivery date from PD.
- 合同生成同时以欧元汇率8.5, 美元6,输入用友,待货物进口后按报关单当月实际汇率更改合同
捷飞特意大利物流部门Mr. Marco Merlo需要在发货前提供最终报价(增加运费及包装费),采购将运费及包装费按照比例平均分配至相对应的材料单价中并在用友系统中更新订单价格,确定最终采购合同。
Once Gefit Shipping Department (Mr. Marco Merlo) has confirmed the final prices (include freight and packing charge) before the shipment, PUD modifies the order values on the ERP system.
- 与意大利捷飞特的订单运输条款使ex-work
- 捷飞特提供的内部订单编号应与物料单编号一致。
- 执行过程 Communication flow
- 物料单 Internal BOM:
Confirmation of the BOM before sending it to Italy: PUDM- GM
确认后的物料单发给捷飞特意大利成品采购部 Mr. Andrea Critelli and Ms. Ivana,邮件抄送给捷飞特大连机械项目经理、电气项目经理、采购经理、生产经理、总经理。
PUD – Mr. Andrea Critelli and Ms. Ivana (Commercial Purchase)
Copy to :--GEFIT Dalian: MPM, EEPM, PUDM,PDM, GM
- 采购订单Purchase order:
Order to Italy and related shipment arrangements
GEFIT Italy- Mr. Marco Merlo(Technical Service Department)
Copy to : - GEFIT Dalian:MPM, EEDM, PUDM, GM,
GEFIT Italy: Mr. Gianni Marchese
7.5 捷飞特意大利的技术服务采购Purchase of TECHNICAL SERVICE from Headquarter
7.5.1 总经理明确捷飞特意大利的服务种类(机械设计、电气设计
GM defines the details of the service with the Italian Headquarter: type of service (mechanical, electrical, software, assembly service) + general costs
7.5.2 根据总经理提供的相关信息,采购发采购订单给捷飞特意大利,抄送给财务部,在用友系统中执行采购流程。
According to the details provided by GM, PUD issues the PO to the Italian headquarter, copy to AFD, and input the PO in the UFIDA systems with all the internal references
7.5.3 意大利总部根据捷飞特大连的采购订单开具发票。
Headquarter issues the Invoice according to the PO
[q1]目前分开发货情况普遍,该条是否取消?The separate shipment is now usual, whether this item cancelled or not?[q2]New modify 2014-05-04[q3] New modify 2014-05-15[q4]New add 2014-05-04- 上一篇:专业英语医药翻译-专业英语医学翻译
- 下一篇:专业英语图书翻译-专业英语同步翻译