- 翻译公司资讯
北京翻译公司 海淀区-北京翻译公司 韩语-北京翻译公司 价格
发布时间:2021-02-19 08:50 点击:
北京翻译公司 海淀区-北京翻译公司 韩语-北京翻译公司 价格1、目的(Purpose)
For ensure all staff’s ability who engaged in or have influence about quality, Plan training or qualification assess for who fail to meet the requirements, or take other measures to ensure that the personnel competent position requirements.
This procedure is applicable to the personnel who have quality influential in quality management system of enterprise.
3.1 人力资源部负责员工能力的确定,意识和培训的控制
The Human Resources Department is responsible for assess staff’s work ability, Control training plan.
3.2 相关职能部门配合提供专业培训教材和师资。
Related function department is responsible for cooperating provide professional training or teaching resource.
3.3 各部门及时上报本部门员工的能力及培训需求,根据年度培训计划和临时需求,编制并组织实施本部门的培训计划。
Departments report the ability and training requirement timely, According to the annual training plan and temporary training demand, Prepare and implement this department’s training program.
4 定义(definition)
Staff ability: Including appropriate educations, trainings, skills, experience and so on.
北京翻译公司 海淀区-北京翻译公司 韩语-北京翻译公司 价格
5 程序(Procedure)
5.1 人员能力要求的识别
Recognize of personnel capability requirement.
HR is responsible for define each position’s capability requirement of the whole company, and made <Staff Ability Form>, which contains: title, education degree, sill degree, experience, trainings and etc.
HR also responsible for investigate existing staff’s actual ability. And made <Staff Ability Form>, which contains: name, education degree, title, sills, experience, trainings and etc.
5.2 提出培训需求
Provide training requirement
5.2.1 人力资源部对照《人员能力表》,对未满足要求的人员确定是否进行培训或采取其他措施。对需采取培训的人员制定《 ____年度培训计划》。
HR department according to <Staff Ability Form>, determine arrange training or other measures for the personnel who fail to meet the position requirement, and prepare <Yearly Training Plan>.
5.2.2 每年12月底以前,人力资源部将[培训需求申请表]发至各部门。各部门提出本部门各岗位人员的培训需要,在12月20日前报人力资源部。
Before the end of Dec yearly, HR hand out < Training Application Form> to departments, Departments manager provide their training requirements and submit to HR department before 20th- Dec. [l1]
5.2.3 当发生以下变化时,如转岗、职责、工作内容或范围变化、经营规模扩大、新技术应用等,相关部门应根据相应项目的要求,填写 [培训需求申请表],报人力资源部。
Departments submit <Training Application Form> to HR department according to project’s requirement in case of following special situations: position changes, duty changes, work contents changes, business scope changes, business dimension changes, new technology applications and etc.
5.2.4 当有临时需要进行培训时,由相关部门提出申请,报人力资源部。
Department submit <Training Application Form> to HR department when temporary training needed.
5.2.5 人力资源部汇总上述需求经总经理审批后制定包括培训时间、培训对象、培训内容、承办部门等内容。
Summarizing departments’ training requirements, HR reported to GM about training schedule, training staff, training contents, and undertake department and etc. for approval.
5.2.6 当管理评审、纠正与预防措施、内部质量体系审核等活动中提出相应的岗位及各部门需培训时,相应部门填写 [培训需求申请表],及时报人力资源部,随时安排培训。
Function department submit <Training Application Form> to HR department for arrange training at any time in case of related about quality system: management review, corrective and preventive measures, internal quality system audit and etc.
5.3 确认培训需求
Confirm training requirement
5.3.1 各部门根据实际需要从《_____年度培训计划》中适当选择参加培训的项目报告人力资源部,以便作出适当的安排。
Departments Manager fix the staff form <Yearly Training Plan>, and report to HR department for arrangement.
5.4 培训计划编制
Training Planning:
5.4.1 临时需求而未列入计划的培训教育,由申报部门报人事主管、总经理审批执行。
For the temporary training, function department submit to HR manager, and implement after received GM’s approval.
- 培训对象和内容
5.5.1 对全体员工进行相关的法律、法规教育、质量方针目标与以顾客为关注焦点的教育。
All staff: related laws and regulations, quality system target, Customer focused target.
New recruiters: Quality system, corporate culture. And following else:
Basic knowledge and operate skill for the position, basic theory or methods for quality management system,
Professional technology personnel: professional technology update and improve.
Quality Control personnel: quality system theory knowledge and professional training.
Special position personnel: strictly obey the rules of training first, qualification second, operate last, and arrange re-train periodic.
State mandatory qualification personnel: training contents should be implement according to state’s rules and government’s regulations.
- 培训前准备工作
HR department is responsible for prepare <Training Implement Plan>, which contains:
a)培训的目的 Training target;
b)培训的对象 Training object:
c)培训的内容 Training contents;
d)培训的时间 Training schedule;
e)培训的方式 Training method;
f)培训的经费 Training charges;
5.6.2 受训人员于受训前,必须将工作安排妥当。
The training objects should arrange the work in appropriate way before take part in the training.
5.6.3 人力资源部门负责师资聘用,准备教材或联系外训单位及培训场所等准备工作。
HR department is responsible for preparing resource, outsourcing agent, training location and etc.
- 培训的执行
Department manager apply the temporary out training to HR department, after GM approval, implement the training and HR recorded. For the planned training, implement according to training plan.
HR department is responsible for implement the training, and reserved <Training Implement Record>
External training: for the approvaled external training, HR responsible for preparing training procedure。
Internal Training: HR implement the test according to position requirement, and send position qualifications.
- 培训记录
It is required to fill <raining Implement Record> for each training, which contains: attendance signature, training book, training teacher list, examination paper, staff training test score and etc.
For the staff back form external training, it is required to submit training certification or examination score to HR department for recorded, and fill <Training Record List>
Internal training: according to actual situation, HR fill< Training Record List> and other related recorded files, and reservation.
5.9 培训效果的检查
Examine for training result:
5.9.1 人力资源部应对人员培训的效果进行检查,对其证明材料和成绩进行备案。
HR examine the training result and efficient, recorded related certification fills.
5.9.2 人力资源部应定期检查计划落实情况、修订计划,并交送公司主管领导。
HR check the planning implement situation periodic, revise the planning and reported to GM.
5.10 达不到培训要求的处理
Measures for fail to meet the training requirement.
5.10.1 考试或考核不合格,可延期数月补考,在未取得上岗证或相关证书之前,不得从事相应工作。
For the personnel fail in examination, HR can arrange Make-up examination which will be suspended couple of months. It is forbidden to do related work before received qualification or related position requirement.
5.10.2 对通过培训尚不能达到要求的人员,人力资源部可以考虑采取其他措施,如重新招聘、更换等
For the staff can not reach the requirement even after training, HR department should consider the further action such as re-recruit or position transfer.
5.11 招聘程序
Recruitment Procedure:
5.11.1 企业各部门经理根据工作需要向人力资源部报送招聘人员计划,上报总经理审核后, 人力资源部门根据公司人员计划,招聘相关的空岗人员。
According to actual work situation, function department manager send Recruitment Plan to HR department, HR implement the recruitment after received GM’s approval.
5.11.2 应聘证件审查:应聘人员应提交照片、学历、身份证、专业技术职称证等相关证件及复印件,个人简历,由人力资源部负责审查,统一以公司名义招聘。
Certification audit for interviewee: ID photo, education certification, ID card, professional certification resume and etc, HR responsible for the audit work, and implement the recruitment on behalf of company.
5.11.3 面试:由公司人力资源部及用人部门共同进行并分别签署面试意见。
Interviewee: interview opinion should be sign by both function department and HR department.
Interview result notice: within 45 days since received the candidate’s documents, HR should answer back clearly, All the documents will not be returned.
Personnel Assessment:
- 考核原则:
Fully development company’s human resource, encourage employees to progress, improve employees work ability, provide objective basis for position promotion, salary raise, rewards and punishments.
- 考核内容:
Made assessment about staff’s work attitude, work performance, and work ability.
Attitude: mainly contains work attitude, compliance, cooperate, positivity, and sense of responsibility.
Performance: according to job title , organization level, and work quality(correctness, speed, complete extent and etc. )
Ability: according to job title and organization level, HR and related department made assessment about the work ability (contains: planning, judging, coordinating, managing, skills and etc.) and progress situation.
- 考核对象:
All staff.
5.12.4 考核时间:每半[l2] 年一次,考核结果年终奖金中给予体现。
Assessment periodic: every half year[l3] , and the assessment result will affect yearly bonus.
Dismiss Procedure:
5.13.1 员工经考核认为不能胜任工作要求或员工严重违反公司规定。应该考虑辞退或开除
Company should consider the dismissal issues in case of the staff can not qualified the position requirement or seriously break company rules.
5.13.2 有关部门经理向人力资源部提交辞退或开除员工的书面报告。内容包括:员工姓名、理由和处理意见。
Function department manager send writing report to HR manager, the report should be contains: name, reason and opinion.
5.13.3 公司人力资源部对报告事项进行调查、审核、提出处理意见,并上报总经理审批。
HR department responsible for investigate and audit the contents of the report, report to GM for approval with HR’s advice.
5.13.4 决定辞退或开除的员工由公司人力资源部和用人部门经理共同对其通知决定。
The staff be informed by department manager and HR manager for the dismissal.
5.13.5 由公司人力资源部办理离职手续。
HR is responsible for deal with staff check-out procedure.
[l1]Lily – 2014-1-5: Delete[l2]Lily: Delete[l3]Lily: yearly