- 翻译公司资讯
发布时间:2021-03-05 14:22 点击:
专业论文英文翻译-专业论文润色机构-专业论文润色Observing the individual providing the assistance with the task and verifying competent performance.
Having the staff person sign his/her name on the Specialized Task Insimction form indicating he/she has received instruction, understands the training procedures for the task, and accepts responsibility, for performing the task.
Documenting by signing on the Specialized Task Instruction form that training has been completed - if the task was performed correctly.
培训结束后,通过在专业任务指导表上签名,以完成文件编制 ---- 如果任务以恰当的方式被执行。
Providing appropriate supervision of the trained individual to ensure the quality of assistance provided, based on: 基于以下几点,适当监督培训人员,以确保提供帮助的质量:
- The condition of the resident 居民的情况,
- The education, skill and training of the trained individual 培训人员的教育、技能和培训情况,
- The nature of the tasks and activities trained 以及培训任务和活动的本质。
- At least once a quarter or more frequently if deemed appropriate by the R\
- If additional training appears to be needed (the RN should observe stall and verify the resident’s condition at least every three months)
- If the resident's condition has changed
- If there ha\ e been changes in the physician’s orders) for the task
The Specialized Task Instruction sheets should be kept in the Medication Administration Record binder, which is loaned in the mcdication room. File each instruction sheet under the appropriate tab for that particular resident.
If a treatment, task or medication is discontinued, the date the order was discontinued should be recorded on the corresponding training sheet. File the sheet in the resident’s service record.
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