Clausewitz, Karl von (1780-1831): In honing his own strategic thinking, Welch drew on the strategies of the Prussian general and military writer. Clausewitz’s writings, including his classic On War, were edited and published by his widow after the general’s death. His work and writings, such as his “no system of strategy,” formed the basis for all serious study of war. Welch quoted the general, whose theories included an explanation of why a military leader could not devise a complete battle plan and then stick blindly to it: “Man could not reduce strategy to a formula. Detailed planning necessarily failed, due to the inevitable frictions encountered.” And: “Strategy was not a lengthy action plan. It was the evolution of a central idea through continually changing circumstances.” Welch’s own strategic thinking matched the general’s. He constantly reinvented GE over the years as circumstances and the competitive environment shifted.
为了砥砺自己的战略性思维,韦尔奇便从这位普鲁士将军兼军事作家的战略中采撷英华。克劳塞维茨的作品是他的遗孀在他身后整理出版的,其中包括他的经典之作《战争论》(On War)。他的文章著述(比如他的“战略无系统”理论,no system of strategy)构成了一切严肃的战争研究的基础。他的理论中解释了为什么军事将领不可能设计一套完整的作战计划、然后盲目地秉照执行。韦尔奇引述这位将军的话说:“人不能使战略沦为公式。由于免不了会遭遇摩擦,所以详细的计划必定失败。”他还援引说:“战略并非冗长的行动计划。它是中心思想在不断变化的环境中的演进。”韦尔奇自己的战略思想与克劳塞维茨将军完全吻合。这些年来,他始终随着形势以及竞争环境的变化而不断地重塑通用电气公司。
While Welch did maintain a long-term view at GE (e.g., creating strong businesses that would survive in the long run), his approach to his strategies and initiatives followed Clausewitz’s doctrine. There was an evolution to Welch’s strategic thinking, and each major initiative built on the one that preceded it. By waging “war” on bureaucracy and the old ways one movement at a time, Welch established a solid foundation on which he eventually built GE’s famed learning organization. He would wage one “battle” and then wait to see how the “inevitable frictions” played out. In tracing the evolution of GE during his tenure, Welch has drawn a stair-step-like chart that depicts the stages of GE’s culture change: Work-Out laid the foundation for Best Practices, which created a platform for Process Improvement, etc.
Leadership lessons from Clausewitz
1. Strategy cannot be reduced to a single formula: Clausewitz knew that no single formula would help to win a war. Circumstances would shift, requiring a general to alter his strategy after the battle ensued. The same holds true for business, as shifting conditions require business leaders to alter their strategies in the face of changing conditions (economic, competitive, technological, etc.).
2. Do not write a long-term plan and blindly follow it:
Clausewitz knew it was foolish to blindly follow a plan that was written before a battle took place. “Strategy was not a lengthy action plan.”Welch knew he would have to be an adaptive
leader, tailoring the strategy to the latest conditions.
3. Do not think that simply applying all Welch strategies will work in your organization: This is a key Clausewitz lesson. While few would dispute Welch’s contributions, one cannot blindly imitate his every move. Welch launched his companywide movements one initiative at a time. His success was built on “the evolution of a central idea through continually changing circumstances.” Your “business laboratory” is not identical to GE’s, and the “inevitable frictions” in your organization will differ according to the changing circumstances. It took Welch many years to transform GE’s culture and ready the company for his companywide initiatives.