杰克 韦尔奇领导辞典图书翻译_盲从_英中对照
时间:2012-10-11 15:27来源:trans.org.cn 作者:世博翻译公司 点击:
杰克 韦尔奇领导辞典图书翻译_盲从_英中对照_20110302-1 Blind Obedience: The GE chairman said, We strive for the antithesis of blind obedience. Before Welch took over, GEers had little choice but to go along with things. After all, pr
杰克 韦尔奇领导辞典图书翻译_盲从_英中对照_20110302-1
Blind Obedience: The GE chairman said, “We strive for the antithesis of blind obedience.” Before Welch took over, GEers had little choice but to go along with things. After all, prior to the 1980s only managers and executives had a voice in running the business.Welch changed all of that with Work-Out and other initiatives designed to release the knowledge that existed in the brain of every worker. Like layers of bureaucracy, “blind obedience” was something that belonged to the past.Welch had no use for anything that discouraged learning. He always sought employees and managers who fostered a learning culture and felt that GE was no place for those who did nothing but blindly follow the pack.
盲从(Blind Obedience)
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