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杰克 韦尔奇领导辞典图书翻译_无界限_英中对照

时间:2012-10-11 15:15来源:trans.org.cn 作者:世博翻译公司 点击:
杰克 韦尔奇领导辞典图书翻译_无界限_英中对照_20110302-1 Boundaryless 无界限 Boundaryless: One of Welchs signature concepts and the one term most closely associated with the GE leader. To spark productivity and break down the wal

杰克 韦尔奇领导辞典图书翻译_无界限_英中对照_20110302-1

Boundaryless: One of Welch’s signature concepts and the one term most closely associated with the GE leader. To spark productivity and break down the walls that he felt were killing the company, Welch sought to topple every barrier: internal barriers, such as those between functions (sales and manufacturing), and external barriers, such as anything that got between GE and its customers and suppliers. Any wall was a bad one, insisted Welch. In a boundaryless organization, information flows easily. There is nothing to impede the seamless transfer of decisions, ideas, people, etc. Boundaryless behavior helped GE to rid itself of its century-old bad habits of rigid hierarchy and bloated bureaucracy. Anything that limited the free flow of ideas and learning was destructive, Welch said, and he spent two decades taking aim at GE’s bureaucratic ways.
Boundarylessness may be the best way to describe Welch’s contribution to the field of leadership. Welch said that boundarylessness led to an “obsession for finding a better way—a better idea—be its source a colleague, another GE business, or another company across the street or on the other side of the globe that will share its best ideas and practices with us.” Boundaryless became Welch’s signature program for several reasons. He not only coined the term (which he admitted was an odd word), he invented a new model for running a large organization. Once he created the new model, he fashioned a new language to give voice to his new creation.
Boundaryless thinking represented a huge departure for GE. Welch inherited a typical command structure, consisting of 350 businesses organized into 43 strategic business units (SBUs). He felt that boundaryless thinking would be the major weapon with which he would fight decades of hierarchy and bureaucracy. One of the key benefits of boundarylessness was the eradication of Not Invented Here (NIH), which was the notion that if it wasn’t invented at GE, the company wasn’t interested. NIH is the antithesis of a boundaryless organization, and, by the 1990s, Welch had praised GE for inculcating new ideas and “Best Practices” of other companies into the GE fabric. Companies that Welch credited included Wal-Mart, Toshiba, Chrysler, and Hewlett-Packard.
In a boundaryless environment, the company becomes more productive as a result of its internal adoption of Best Practices. In 1995, Welch spoke of the effect of  boundaryless behavior within General Electric. With pride he described how different segments of the company had taught GE a Best Practice that had been widely adopted throughout the company. Welch cited several examples of such boundaryless behavior: productivity solutions from Lighting; “quick response” asset management from Appliances; transaction effectiveness from GE Capital; the application of “bullet-train” cost reduction techniques from Aircraft Engines; and global account management from Plastics. Boundaryless behavior, therefore, has many positive effects on the organization. By breaking down walls both inside GE and between GE and the outside world, Welch had created an environment in which Best Practices thrived. GE was free not only to learn from itself, but also to inculcate the best ideas and practices into everything it did. This was a vital step toward the learning culture and the self-actualization of GE.
Many of Welch’s actions and initiatives were specifically designed to remove bureaucracy, thus creating a more boundaryless organization. Here are three Welch initiatives that promoted boundaryless behavior:
1. Delayering and other hardware initiatives: By removing layers of management in the early 1980s, Welch paved the way for a more open organization. Fewer layers meant better communication, less rigidity, and a faster response mechanism (to markets, changes, etc.).
2. Globalization: By the mid- to late 1980s, Welch decided that GE needed to expand beyond U.S. borders or risk being only a inor player on the world stage. By acquiring the French firm
Thomson-CGR in 1987, Welch sparked a global revolution that launched GE into the global marketplace. In doing so, he dismantled many of the geographic boundaries that separated GE
from the rest of the world.
3. Work-Out: By implementing Work-Out in 1989, Welch ensured that the GEers closest to the products and processes would have a voice in running the business. Work-Out created trust and sowed the seeds for the boundaryless revolution of the early to mid-1990s.
Welch knew that given GE’s vast portfolio of businesses, it would be easy for each of GE’s separate companies to have its own culture and ideas. That was the last thing he wanted. After all, throughout the 1980s he bristled when journalists (or anyone else) called GE a conglomerate. In order to create a unified organization that adhered to a single value system, Welch created what he called GE’s operating system: the process by which GE drives its collective knowledge throughout every corner of the company. It includes meetings, reviews, and training (see Crotonville), as well as Welch’s signature initiatives such as Six Sigma and the e-Initiative. The GE operating system was a major factor in making GE a more open, more boundaryless organization (see Operating System).
韦尔奇明白,鉴于通用电气公司业务种类的繁多,它下属的各个企业很容易建立起自己的文化与理念。这是他最不希望发生的事。整个20世纪80年代,他一听到记者们(或是其他任何人)把通用电气公司叫做联合大企业便怒发冲冠。为了构建一家奉行单独一套价值体系的统一组织,韦尔奇便创建了他所称的“通用电气公司运作系统”,这是一套程序,它使通用电气公司能够将它的知识集合推送到公司的每一个角落。这套程序中包括会议、评审和培训(见 “克罗顿维尔”),也包括韦尔奇的标志性倡导行动,比如“六西格玛”和“电子商务倡议”。通用电气公司的运作系统为公司成为更加开放、界限更少的组织发挥了主要的作用(见 “运作系统”)。
Boundaryless lessons
1. To create a boundaryless enterprise, listen to the people closest to the customers: Welch started Work-Out to make sure that those who did the work got a say in how the business could run better.
2. Take aim at all four boundaries—Vertical (hierarchical), Horizontal (between functions), External (customers and suppliers), and Geographic (different countries). Welch felt strongly that every boundary was a bad one and worked tirelessly
to knock down all debilitating boundaries.
3. Eliminate “NIH” (Not Invented Here): Welch hated the insular attitude of the organization he inherited. One of the keys to a boundaryless organization is recognizing that all the answers do not reside within the company walls.
4. Move Best Practices around the company: Implementing the best ideas, regardless of their origin, is one of the hallmarks of an effective learning organization. In executive meetings, make sure that everyone recounts or shares Best Practices.

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