政法大学商学院网站 英文译文 20080316 样稿 I. Overview of the Business School The Business School of The China University of Political Science and Law (hereinafter called the Business School) began accepting students for the bachelors d...
法大商学院 网站英文外籍校对稿 20080316 样稿 I. Overview of the Business School The Business School of The China University of Political Science and Law (hereinafter called the Business School) began accepting students for the bachelor...
成本领先与产品差别化战略经济分析 中文原文 摘要 成本领先和产品差别化是企业运用较多的两种竞争战略,但是以往人们对这两种战略所蕴涵的经济学含义未给以充分的注意,因而影响了战...
成本领先与产品差别化战略经济分析 英文译文 An Economic Analysis of Two Competitive Strategies: Cost Leadership and Product Differentiation Abstract The cost leadership and product differentiation are two kinds of competitive strate...
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中国海关暂时进出境货物管理办法 英文译文 节选 20090101 Order of the General Administration of Customs No. 157 The Administrative Measures of the Customs of the Peoples Republic of China for Goods Temporarily Imported or Exported,...
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设备安装服务合同 英文译文 20080348 Equipment Installation Service Contract Jointly Signed by and between AAAAA (China) Co., Ltd. and Shanghai BBBBB Integrated Microelectronics Co., Ltd. January 8, 2008 Table of Contents Art. 1 Recitals Ar...