- 翻译公司资讯
发布时间:2019-03-21 15:59 点击:
00:00-00:09 Hello, everyone, I very much appreciate you watching the latest release of our Chinese newsletter. 大家好,很高兴大家能够收看我公司最新一期中国时事通讯。 00:09-00:24 Despite the fact that last year China was growing slower than the previous years, it still grew at a rate of over 7% a year, which is, comparing with EU, still enormous. 尽管与前些年相比,中国经济增速放缓,但仍然达到了年均7%的增速,这对于欧盟来说,仍然是个奇迹。 00:25-00:38 We have seen the Chinese government taking a lot of initiatives to increase the wellbeing of their people, this is very good to business and to people as well 我们看到中国政府采取多种措施来增加人民的福祉,这对于商业和人民来说再好不过了。 00:38-01:00 So now it’s the right time to reinforce our efforts to establish hand in hand the business in China, to get the momentum in doing so, we need to transfer forces, we need to stand together as one, one company with one vision for one country – for China. 现在加大力度在中国建立业务正逢其时。为了获得在中国建立业务的动力,我们需要调配力量,我们需要同心同德,作为一个整体、秉持一个愿景,朝一个目标前进--那就是中国。 01:01-01:26 We stronger need to become the Chinese player and Chinese market, only so we can fully understand and afterwards lift up the demands and needs of our customers in the People’s Republic. 我们要做大做强,离不开中国人的参与,也离不开中国市场。只有依靠中国人,我们才能充分了解中国大陆客户的需求。 It’s the central for our success to fully understand the needs of the market and machinize how the markets work 我们成功的关键在于充分了解市场需求和市场动作机制。 01:27-01:30 This is the central and without that we will never be successful over there. 这非常关键,如果不充分了解市场需求,我们永远不会取得成功。 01:31-01:58 Our corporate in Beijing thought a lot of initiatives to support our decision, by market analysis, by preparing and joining negotiations, by utilizing synergies and by providing resources from our headquarter in Australia, for our common goal to be even more successful in China in the future 我们的北京分公司采取一系列举措来支持我们的决策,比如通过市场分析、准备和参与谈判,加强协同效应,通过我们在澳大利亚的公司总部提供资源支持,从而使我们将来更加成功地完成共同的目标。 01:57-02:19 I want to thank all of you with contributed in our efforts, I hope you to keep supporting us in the future for our common success in China. Thank you, take care. 在此,我感谢大家所付出的努力,为了我们共同的目标,希望你们以后一如既往地支持我们。谢谢,珍重。