受北京某科研机构委托,我公司近期翻译完成中国转型时期技术创新产业能力的研究资料约20万字。为完成该项目,我们精选了3名专门研究技术经济的专业译员,历时半个月,保质保量地完成了论著翻译,得到了客户好评。 以下是部分内容,摘录如下供参考: 转型时期中国高技术产业创新能力实证研究
中图分类号:F062.9 文献标识码:A
An Empirical Study on China’s High-tech Industry Innovation Capability in Transition Period
Abstract: Appling stochastic frontier production model based on knowledge production function, this article conducts an empirical study on China’s high-tech industry innovation capability in transition period. The results show that during 2005-2010: (1) knowledge stock didn’t play a due role of in China’s high-tech industry’s innovation; (2) the effects of foreign technology import on China’s high-tech industry’s innovation capability was not statistically obvious; (3) the effects of domestic technology import on China’s high-tech industry’s R&D output was obvious, but the economic benefits due to domestic technology import was not statistically obvious; (4) the scale of enterprises in China’s high-tech industry had a negative impact on their innovation capability.
Key words: high-tech industry; innovation capability; transition period; stochastic frontier production model
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