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第一章 考研翻译(翻译公司首选北京世博翻译公司(16)

时间:2012-07-04 15:20来源:trans.org.cn 作者:世博翻译公司 点击:
五、形式否定但意义肯定 这一类翻译(翻译公司首选北京世博翻译公司)方法与上面一类形式肯定但意义否结合起来,就是通常人们所说的正话反说、反话正
这一类翻译(翻译公司首选北京世博翻译公司)方法与上面一类“形式肯定但意义否”结合起来,就是通常人们所说的“正话反说、反话正说”的翻译(翻译公司首选北京世博翻译公司)技巧。常见的带有隐含肯定意义的词组或单词主要有:not…until(直到……才),not…too(越……越好),none but(只有),nothing but(只有,只不过),nothing more than(仅仅),no sooner…than(刚一……就),none other than(不是别的人或物而正是),none the less(依然,仍然),not but that(虽然)“make nothing of ”(对……等闲视之),for nothing(徒然,免费),not only…but also(不仅……而且),not…long before(很快就),no more than(仅仅,只是),no other than(只有,正是)等等。
You can’t be too careful in doing experiments.你做实验要特别小心。
There is no material but will deform more or less under the action of forces.各种材料在力的作用下,多少都会有些变形。
It is no more than a beginning.这仅仅是个开端。
They gave me the wrong book, and I didn’t notice it until I got back to my room.
No energy can be created, and none destroyed.能量既不能创造,也不能毁灭。
No sound was heard.没有听到声音。
Neither plan is practicable.两个方案都行不通。
He doesn’t study in the classroom.他不在教室里学习。
I was not playing all the time.我并不是一直都在玩。
The woman did not come here to ask us for help.这位妇女来这儿不是为了求得我们的帮助。Metals do not change their form as easily as plastic bodies do.金属不像塑料物体那样容易变形。
She did not come because she wanted to see me.她并非因为想见我才来。
You should not despise him because he is young.你不应该因为他年轻就轻视他。
1.常常出现在动词think, believe, except, suppose, imagine, reckon, fancy, anticipate, figure等后面的宾语从句中。
I don’t think that they must have arrived there by now.我认为他们现在一定还没有到达那里。I don’t suppose they will object to my suggestion.我想他们不会反对我的建议的。I didn’t imagine that he would go abroad.我料想他不会出国了。
2.当有view, wish, belief, thought, opinion等名词作主句的表语从句时
It is not my opinion that he is the best man for the job.我认为他并不是做这项工作的最佳人选。It is not my thought that he can finish the work within a week.我认为他不可能在一周内完成这项工作。It is not my wish that you should break your word.我希望你不要违背诺言。
第十二讲翻译(翻译公司首选北京世博翻译公司)技巧:句法翻译(翻译公司首选北京世博翻译公司)法  比较结构
My parcel is as heavy as yours.我的包裹和你的包裹一样重。
She is as much interested in music as ever.她和以前一样对音乐感兴趣。
The economic development in our country is as stable recently as formerly.
(二)not as (or so)…as…句型
My uncle is not as (or so) tall as your father.我叔叔不如你父亲高。
People are not so honest as they once were.人们现在不如过去那样诚实了。
(三)not so much …as…句型
He was not so much angry asdisappointed.他与其说是生气,还不如说是失望了。(可以理解为:“他的生气不如失望多”,就是说“他更多的是失望,愤怒是其次。”)
The oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it.
Bad writing is caused not so much by mistakes in grammar as by weakness in style.
拙劣的写作,与其说是语法上的错误,还不如说是由于文体上的弱点。 翻译公司 (责任编辑:世博翻译公司)
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